Hypnosis for Anxiety

  • Find the roots of anxiety in your subconscious
  • Target these root causes and achieve lasting relief

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A Special Message from Hypno-Health: Healing with Hypnosis in the COVID-19 Era

While I continue to offer remote hypnosis sessions during this difficult time—with my usual sliding pay scale in case of economic hardship—I recognize that many of us are consumed by day-to-day challenges. To help ease that burden, I am happy to offer my full-length relaxation recording free of charge (a $25 value). 

In the recording, I'll guide you on a 30-minute gentle journey to deepening levels of hypnotic relaxation that you can return to whenever you like. Listen to it every day and you might find the coronavirus crisis less stressful.

You can play the recording by tapping the button below, or feel free to download the MP3 to your computer by starting the player and then right-clicking it and selecting "Save audio as...". Your browser’s player may also have a three-dot menu with a "Download" option.

With best wishes to you and your loved ones—Hugh

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Relieve Anxiety With Hypnosis

Anxiety takes hold when you feel fearful, overwhelmed, or stressed. Your body responds as though are in danger. It makes hormones that speed up your heart, make you breathe faster, and give you a burst of energy. This is called the fight-or-flight response. Anxiety symptoms appear both physically and emotionally as we react to their influence. Tension, tightness, fear, and even panic attacks take hold and can impact everything from public speaking and sports performance to meeting deadlines and driving over bridges. Anxiety responses and attacks may also produce tension headaches, heartburn, ulcers and temporary paralysis in the body.

After Hypnotherapy: Life Without Anxiety

Imagine being able to free yourself from those debilitating reactions, increase your energy and focus, deal effectively with authority roles and limits, incorporate a sense of independence, confidence, and self-reliance, and become more relaxed and sleep better. Hypnosis can help you do all of that. By releasing the causes of your anxiety and panic attacks, you can become more assertive, more proactive and more comfortable dealing with any stress in your life. A Tibetan expression sums this up: "Peace is not the absence of storm, but tranquility within the storm."

The following comments are from a real client whose name has been omitted to protect client confidentiality.

"I've had trouble with serious anxiety most of my life. I made an appointment with Hugh Sadlier and almost cancelled it because of my skepticism about being able to go into a ‘trance’. A few days before my appointment, I was having a serious panic attack and was quite miserable. My husband called Hugh, explained the situation and, miracle of miracles, I was actually guided by Hugh’s calm manner and soothing voice for about 30 minutes. The panic and anxiety left me. Nothing like that had ever happened to me so easily in over fifty years. I didn’t need to take a pill or some other mood-altering substance to be free of it. I have had twelve sessions with Hugh since that time. Each and every one has given me tools and healthy techniques to develop new awakenings and perspectives toward my journey to wholeness. The process of hypnotism with Hugh stimulated my ability to re-program myself. I know without a doubt I wouldn’t have the confidence, joy and happiness I have today if I hadn’t tried hypnotherapy with Hugh. It truly has been a miracle in my life."

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About Hypno-Health
Contact Info
  • Hugh Sadlier
  • Hypno-Health
  • 1280 Morgan Bay Road
  • Blue Hill, Maine 04614
  • Phone: 207-773-5200

The services I offer are a form of motivational coaching, combined with instruction in self-hypnosis. Results may vary from person to person and no individual result, statement or testimonial should be assumed to be typical.